Contact us

20027 88th Ave.
Frankfort, IL 60423
Phone:  (815) 464-2034


Colin Bradley
Assistant Principal: Tracy Bulfer

  School Hours

Early Childhood AM - 8:30am-11:00am
Early Childhood PM - 12:00pm-2:30pm
K - 4th Grades: 9:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Half-Day Hours: 9:00 AM - 12:10 PM
Office Hours 8:30 AM - 3:55 PM

I am thinking of the families, students, and staff of DJR School during this difficult time. I realize that managing all of the responsibilities of work, home and health are stressful and at times overwhelming. This is when we take comfort in knowing that we are part of a team, which includes DJR School. We are fortunate to have each other and can look for support when needed. Therefore, I will be adding resources to this page during these weeks. I hope you will find some of them helpful to you or someone you know. Take Care and Be Well! Best Regards, Christina Doherty Mission - Rogus School Mission is to educate children in a nurturing environment. Vision - Rogus School vision is to create a community where children are loved for who they are and challenged to aim high. Values - We value Acceptance, Belonging, and Community.


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May 5, 2020
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April 29, 2020
Do you or someone in your family need support during the pandemic? The Illinois Call4Calm Text Line is free and will link you with a local counselor. There are a number of other supports available by text, phone, and web to get help while maintaining social distancing.
  • IDPH Call4Calm Text Line - Struggling with stress related to the pandemic? Text TALK to 552020 for English or HABLAR for Spanish.

Monday April 20,2020
During this time and now that schools will be closed for the remainder of the school year, ISBE has provided a listing of free resouces to assist teachers and the school community with learning activiites and mindfullness activites.  Mindfulness can help adults and children alike to deal with stress, can help to decrease anxiety and increase happiness:
Also check out this resource: 
Handwashing and Hand Sanitizer Use at Home, at Play, and Out and About
~Additionally, something I found and thought may be of intrest for anyone:
"Daily encouragements help kids learn to support themselves when the going gets tough, as well as start the day off right! Your child can pull a card from their jar every morning or whenever she needs a boost."  During these times it may just work with both children and adults too!  It can provide all of us with energy to accomplish tasks, give us hope or change our perspective.  

Monday April 14, 2020
According to the American Counseling Association, children may be showing increased behaviors of insomnia, intrusive thoughts, nightmares and acting out.  They have provided tips for talking to children about Coronavirus by remembering CAPES:
C- Create a calm setting.  Children can feel the emotions of adults around them, If the adult is stressed children can feel it.  
A- Ask what they already know or about any fears they may have.  Children will often worry about their own safety and those in their immediate world.
P- Provide age appropriate answers.  It can be explained that COVID 19 is caused by a new virus and makes people feel sick with a cough and fever
E- Empower them with tools.  Teach children to wash their hands using soap and water and singing 'Happy Birthday' or with a tune that makes them feel happy for 20 seconds. Also to sneeze or cough into their elbows.  
S- Safety.  Chrildren turn to adults for a snese of safety and well-being.  Assure children that the adults in their life are keeping them safe by making sure they get enough sleep, eat properly and by staying home. 

Monday, 4/6/2020
Please click on the link below. It may be helpful when talking to your child about COVID 19 as it provides factual information of this disease—this can help reduce anxiety. 
Helping Children Cope With Changes Resulting From COVID-19

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