SHJH Golfer Toby Bonovich Hits Hole-in-One

The age group that makes the most hole-in-ones are in their 50s, and the average years of playing golf before making an ace is 24.

At the age of 13 and with only two and a half years of golf under his belt. Summit Hill Junior High eighth grader Toby Bonovich defied the odds and hit his first hole-in-one during intramural golf at Square Links Golf Course earlier this month. 

“On holes one and two, I was hitting terrible tee shots, so I decided to change something up on hole three. I took a slower backswing and then went a little bit faster on my down swing, and I hit a good shot with my pitching wedge. It got about three feet from the hole and started rolling toward it.” 

However, Bonovich didn’t watch it roll into the hole. 

“I didn't really watch it. I was walking back to put my club in my bag and my friend Lucas said it went in. I didn't think it did. I thought I overshot it. But then when I got up there, I started to get more excited.”

No jumping for joy or cheering out loud for this guy though. “In my head, I was super excited,” smiled Bonovich.

Bonovich, who doesn’t play any other sports, likes golf because it’s relaxing. The Frankfort resident plans to keep playing and working on his game, hoping to play in high school. When asked for advice, he offered this: “Don’t get mad at it!”

Solid advice from a 13-year-old with his first ace!